It's race day! You've been training all summer (or at least thinking about it). Now it's time to test your mettle. Here are some tips to help you arrive at the race calm, well-rested and ready to give it your best. And remember, this day is about having fun and enjoying fellowship with good friends and family. So don't stress out — we're all winners just by showing up. enjoy!

The day before the race

Give you body a solid day of rest before race day. No cycling, swimming or running.

Get a good night’s sleep.

Eating before a race

The night before: Lot’s of folks have hear that they need to “carb up” before a race, so they gorge on pasta. It’s true you do need carbs, but don’t eat more than you’re accustomed to. Doing so will just confuse your metabolism during the race. We recommend a healthy, well-rounded dinner with a protein, vegetables and some carbs.

The day of the race: Eat a healthy breakfast of oatmeal and fruit and a well-rounded lunch with plenty of protein. Stay away from too much dairy or greasy, fried food. Don’t eat within 3 hours of the race start. And don't guzzle a liter of Gatorade or eat a whole pack of electrolyte supplements before starting either.

Rule of thumb: Whatever you’ve been doing in training is what you want to continue to do on race day.

Pre-race Checklist

Take a few moments and lay out all of your equipment before you head out the door. Here are some things that you may be packing.

When to arrive

Race start time: 3:30pm

Plan on arriving by at least 2pm (1:30 is even better). That gives you plenty of time to check in, lay out your gear, pump up your bike tires, etc. You’ll also have some time to stretch, warm up and calm your nerves.

Take a moment and familiarize yourself with the location of the race and the parking here. Program the route in your phone so you're ready to hit the road.

Reminder: There is a $25 fee due at sign-in for participation. Please bring cash.

Another Reminder: Bring some lawn chairs for after the race!

Fancy new equipment?

Be careful about pulling out brand new equipment (e.g. shoes) on race day. If it’s not broken-in, tested or adjusted right you could be in for a painful race. Stick with what you’ve been training in.

Have you called Rob Watson about the food?

We ask that everyone who stays for the cookout to please help out with the meal. Rob is kindly volunteering to BBQ. The meat will be provided, but we need all the sides and fixins.

Give him a call ASAP and find out how you can contribute: 260-849-0139.